About Us

Here at SUMSUM, we turn superfoods from Middle Eastern cuisine into the finest culinary experience. We do that by using premium ingredients that meet the highest global standards. It's our mission to create halva that is both traditional and unique, but also compatible with today's flavors and health trends from around the world. At Sumsum, we bring new flavors, new ingredients, and a new experience to take your kitchen to the next level, while maintaining our traditional culinary legacy. Our products include tahini, premium tea infusions, and date honey, but our main attraction is our halva. We carry more than 30 different flavors of halva, which is a great replacement for conventional desserts.

Choose from Sumum’s artisanal halva selection of over 30 unique and delicious varieties.
The flavors of our halva reflect both today's health and flavor trends as well as our thousand year culinary tradition. Halva is vegan, gluten free, and dairy free as well - a perfect replacement for traditional desserts. Try them all!

Sumsum’s 100% natural tahini is a vegan superfood made from cold-pressing pure organic Ethiopian sesame seeds full of vitamins and minerals.

Tea Infusions
Infusions teas are base tea mixed with the flower or leaf infusions that increase flavor, taste and enhance the healthy benefits of drinking tea itself.
Sumsum’s delicious premium infused teas come in 10 different refreshing flavors, to fit every mood and suit every occasion.

Date honey
Sumsum’s date honey, made from Majuld dates, is the 100% all natural sweetener you’ve been waiting for.
Use it instead of processed sugar or honey, and get the added benefit of potassium, calcium, and magnesium, while connecting with our traditional Middle Eastern legacy.
Our Stores
Shop Sumum at any one of our new stores in the US.
Stop by and sample our wide assortment of halva, tahini, date honey and premium tea infusions.